Sunday, February 2, 2014

He's in Derrick Comedy? Really? He's not one of the Whitest Kids U Know?

Donald Glover talks in this video about how easy it is for him to get his weed past airport security. Apparently they take him at his word that he needs it for his asthma. That's all the proof you need that he really is the whitest black person.

The only alternative explanation is that America is actually winning the war against racism. I mean, for a black hip-hop artist to be able to so easily bluff his way past the po-po and transport narcotics across state lines is like the Apollo 11 of the civil rights movement. Mission Accomplished, man. Who cares about getting a black man elected president any more? Getting cops to even entertain the possibility that a young rich black man isn't trafficking drugs is like 90% of the subtext to Dr. King's "I have a dream" speech.

Merry Black History Month!

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