The Cockroach dashed about the apartment, spreading its taint along the various surfaces and products. It happened upon a Caterpillar that was preparing to enter its cocoon. Observing that the Caterpillar was practically sedentary, the Cockroach started to make fun of it.
"Hey Caterpillar, check it out, I'm moving around. I can traverse the byways and highways to get stuff I want like that cookie crumb over there. Jealous?"
The Caterpillar refused to react.
"Hey yo Caterpillar," called the Cockroach again. "Is that your leaf-bed over there? I'm going to sleep it in while you are in your cocoon. Hope you don't mind cockroach-drool on your twig-pillow. Enjoy your suffocating existence inside that tomb-like thing your building. What a pathetic sight!"
Still, the Caterpillar kept its mouth shut. He did not give the Cockroach the satisfaction of a retort.
Several weeks later, the Cockroach was hungry so it started looking for some food. After scouring a deplorably clean dishwasher it noticed a cracker on the kitchenette floor. The Cockroach devoured the cracker and looked around. Now there was another couple cracker fragments nearby which the Cockroach ate up. This pattern repeated itself until the Cockroach was engorged.
Suddenly, footsteps were heard at the kitchenette's entrance. The Cockroach looked up and its eyes met a frightened human female who screamed and grabbed the broom. Although the Cockroach tried to be evasive, its bloated corpus was unresponsive. Eventually the human female's swings found their target and the Cockroach found itself upended and mortally wounded. The Butterfly flew over with a piece of its old cocoon and dropped it on the Cockroach.
"Damn you," cried the Cockroach. "You did this to me! I bet you even lead the human in here with your dazzling aeronautical maneuvers!"
"I'm sorry," said the Butterfly, "did you say something? It sounds like you are having difficulty breathing. Maybe you should exercise more often. Move those legs around, ya know?"
"It's not too late to fix this, Butterfly! I could help you."
"Child please," laughed the Butterfly before doing an Immelmann turn and flying off.